Tingling and Numbness

Tingling and Numbness

Sometimes we can feel a sensation of pins and needles pricking us in any part of the body. In medical terms, this is known as Paresthesia. People generally notice these sensations in hands, feet, arms, and legs. If numbness and tingling persist and there’s no obvious cause for the sensations, it could be a symptom of a disease or injury, such as multiple sclerosis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Problems Physiotherapist can Solve

Paediatric Rehabilitation
We offer a comprehensive rehabilitation service for children recovering from a multitude of conditions and injuries ensuring they get the services when they need them. By this we help them achieve their optimal physical development and encourage them to move to the best of their abilities through play, age-appropriate fun and instruction. Our specialist paediatric physiotherapists are experts at rehabilitation during your child’s vital stages of development.

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